Sana Javeri Kadri of Diaspora Co.

For centuries, the spice trade has remained stagnant and steeped in the legacy of colonial conquest. Until now. The Feedfeed is a proud supplier of Diaspora Co. spices, founded in 2017 by Sana Javeri Kadri with a mission "to create a radically new, and equitable vision of the spice trade, decolonizing a commodity back into a seasonal crop, and a broken system into an equal exchange."

Benefits are seen all around. With partner farmers in India both innovating and earning in ways rarely known to the spice trade, the result is a collection of truly sustainable, next level flavours and aromas.

(when applicable a video could go in the spot of the second image)

Tried and tested in our own kitchens, we will yell it from the mountain tops that Diaspora Co. has no close rivals. Try the trio, but be warned: you'll never look back.

CTA to shop the selection.

Implicitly community minded, Sana was delighted to share some pearls of wisdom and favorite discoveries with The Feedfeed community. Well worth the read.

Q1 : A1

Q2 : A2

Insert Image

Q3 : A3

Insert Image (shared by Sana, and posted on IG)

Q4 : A4

Image (shared by Sana, and posted on IG)


CTA to shop the selection.